
Whatever you do in life, if you enjoy it then it will never be a job. For me being involved in a start-up is a lifestyle choice - and I love it! 

I want to live in a world where trust online is assured – a world where I have complete control over my personal data, where I can trust interactions with people and businesses, and where this confidence enables me to do everything instantly and purely online.

I am a self confessed startup-junkie and simply love what I do!

I’m active in a number of local and global efforts to help people do more online, including the Fintech Delivery Panel (FDP), FDATA, and Trust In Digital Life (TDL), whose mission is to create a trusted ecosystem that protects the data and assets of citizens and enterprises across Europe. 

After a number of startups I founded The ID Co. in 2011 with a mission to create convenience, offering new products and services for business and consumers alike. 

At ID Co., we want to do away with all of that. Leveraging the potential of Open Banking, we’re able to leverage the data identity you’ve already established through your online bank accounts to create the conveninece as consumers we all look for.

miiCard - a digital passport

This first started with miiCard, a digital passport that allow individuals to take control of their personal data and identity. Well before GDPR was a ‘thing’ we were working to leverage the identity and data individuals had with their bank accounts to create convenience when travelling this digital world that we live it. It was all about letting prove “you really who you say you are” and helping you to control your personal data. I believe we should all be able to prove that we are over 18 without having to share our drivers license, that we can be anonymous when we want to be and that above all we should own our personal data.

In the startup world though - timing is everything. Unfortunately with miiCard we were years early so we pivoted.