a ‘Year of 50’
It’s not every year you turn 50 and I’ve come to the belief that you should celebrate when you can! Not having had much of a 30’s or 40’s celebration I thought this year I would go all in. I made a list, not so much of a bucket list, but a list of things I’ve been putting off for quite some time. It included some big things but most importantly lots of little ones as well. A chance to tick boxes, cherish experiences and make memories. Looking back now it was a busy year!
Started off in Budapest. For a few years now I’ve tried to always start the year from somewhere new and while I had been to Budapest before it had been a long time. The bonus was starting from my hereditary roots with great friends and a wonderful evening ringing in the new year!
A few weekend trips away in Castles, Cornwall and Cozy beaches to help clear the head and reset along the way
It’s been a year of great food experiences from the simple to the sublime. From steak and seafood with friends to undoubtedly the more extreme meal I’ve had to date in Stockholm at the wonderful https://ekstedt.nu/ which was pretty much perfect in all accounts (and an almost perfect fit with what I like)
A few work trips (in addition to the usual London trips) first to Tallinn and Amsterdam and the most perfect ending to a big conference on a boat on the canals one wonderful evening. A first trip to Hong Kong and a chance dive into the my comfort food. Then off to Singapore (via Tallin but don’t ask!) for yet more great food! (more on that later)
A few paddles with true mates in the wilds of Scotland experiencing crazy weather, open skies and long rivers. Included 4 days of hard work, delight and a few ‘small’ fires. Scotland is a beautiful place especially on the water.
Some time in the sunshine in Crete where the peace was so perfect, even my normal chill out tunes was too much for it. The time was spent eating simple food from fantastic ingredients and staring into the mountains (plus a little dip in the pool now an then)
A chance to tick some boxes (IMHO what these years are for if nothing else they give you an excuse, not that you need it). From getting my powerboat ticket to making a cleaver (thanks https://www.glitteringedge.com) – I really very much enjoy creating and making things!
Great times with great friends. From sitting out on those rare Scottish truly sunny evenings to Galway’s Oyster festival where there was Guinness, oysters, more Guinness and yet more oysters. It’s great to have time with true friends and the chance to create great memories.
Surprised and humbled to get not one, but two awards for supporting the industry.
The BEST chicken I’ve ever had – it seems simple (brined > slow roasted > crisped up) but it’s really difficult to get the balance. Something I need to work on next year!
And capping it all off in Cornwall after the Christmas celebrations. A view by the sea with fresh air and an opportunity to spend a few days planning out the next year.
For those interested I’ve share a little album of some of the pictures here.
As we close out the year with the last few precious days ahead of us I find myself in a unique position in two ways. We generally look to the events of the past with the context of them being behind us but this year, taking the time to reflect, I’ve been able to look back at a full year. It’s been an interesting experience. Secondly, and more profound, I find myself completely free to move forward shackle free. Without a job, having stepped away after 13 years from DirectID, without a house having settled that now and having over the last few years downsized.
I’m looking forward to what 2024 brings. With lots of ideas of what to do next, a number of projects and new challenges ahead , I’m excited. Most importantly I’m looking forward to surrounding myself with my tribe, finding more of a balance between work and life, and continue to tick those boxes!
Celebrating the big years is something I’ll definitely continue to do (and wish I did earlier) but equally I plan to celebrate every year! So thank you for being part of this special year for me!